1.JMウエストン:5ヶ月ぶりにお会いしましたが、昔からずっと応援をして頂いており、これからも喜んで頂ける靴やバッグをお届け出来るように頑張ります!! 「店舗を出したらヤバイお店になると思ってたよ〜、来るのが怖いお店だわ!!」とおっしゃって頂いたのが最高に嬉しかったです!!
2.エドワードグリーン& JMウエストン :毎週、会社やご家族の方と一緒にお越し頂いているお客様がいらっしゃるのですが、いつもお連れ様にピッタリの靴は見つかるのに、ご本人様はニアミスサイズばかりでした。しかし、ついにご本人様にジャストのグリーンをお届け出来、大変喜んで頂けたので靴屋冥利に尽き、とても嬉しかったです!!
3.ジョンロブ ビスポーク :今日は大変お世話になっているお客様が1ヶ月半振り位にお越し頂き、近況や時計のコレクションのお話をお聞かせ頂き、大変楽しい時間をありがとうございました。販売前のロンドンロブもご購入頂き、オススメの靴のため、気に入って頂けたら幸いです。次回は青山ランチで!
8.オールデン:カーフ オールデンをご購入頂いたお客様の足元を撮らせて頂いたのですが、ワイドなカーキのミリタリーパンツにもオールデンは良く似合うんですね!!
9.ペロン&ペロン:ビスポークに詳しいお客様は今日も素敵な靴を履かれており、超レアなペロン& ペロンの靴でした!!
Here are the shoes of customers who visit us.
1.JM Weston: We met for the first time in 5 months, but we have been supporting us for a long time, and we will do our best to deliver shoes and bags that will keep you happy! ! I was so glad to say, “I thought it would be a terrible shop when I left the store! It’s a scary shop to come!”
2. Edward Green & JM Weston: Every week, there are customers who come with my company and family, but I always find the perfect shoes for my companion, but myself is only near miss size was. However, I was able to deliver the just green to the person at last and I was very pleased, so I was delighted to be a shoemaker and I was very happy! !
3.John Lobb Bespoke: Thank you very much for having a very good time today. We would like you to buy London Rob before sale and recommend it for the recommended shoes. Next time at Aoyama lunch!
4.Church: The staff is also a big fan of couples and stylish customers have come to the event in Isetan! !
5.6. John Robb & Alden: A couple living in the super-neighborhood of the former office came and asked for AL and JL, but the footprints matched very well for both brands. There aren’t many people who fit, so I was very jealous
7.JM Weston: A shoe that has been purchased by customers who have a rare leather jacket. ! Please come and visit again! !
8. Alden: Calf I took the footsteps of a customer who purchased Alden, but Alden fits well with wide khaki military pants! !
9. Peron & Peron: Customers who are familiar with bespoke are wearing wonderful shoes today and they were very rare Peron & Peron shoes! !
10.John Rob: I was asked by a familiar customer to buy John Rob’s ear model. !