お客様の靴と時計 VOL.30 オールドエドワードグリーン 等


1.エドワードグリーン :とってもお洒落なご夫婦のお揃いオールドグリーンです。半年ぶり位にお会い出来ましたが、ご主人様の大切な日用の靴をお求め頂き、ありがとうございました。奥様のグリーンもとっても素敵でした!!


3.チャーチ:珍しいチャーチのジョッパー ブーツですが、タニノやジョンロブのジョッパー に負けないくらいエレガントで素敵なブーツでした!!

4.エドワードグリーン :珍しいトップドロワー のドーバー で、見た目はスタンダードラインですが、触ってみると革質が明らかに違う素晴らしい一足でした!!



Here are the shoes of customers who visit us.

1. Edward Green: It is an old green for a very fashionable couple. I was able to meet you for the first time in six months, but thank you for purchasing your husband’s important daily shoes. The wife’s green was very nice! !

2. John Lobb : One of the best customers of the week, with great watches and shoes, was London Rob, which seemed to have been ordered in the past. The appearance of the outer blades looks like London Rob and it looks cool! !

3.Church: Unusual church jopper boots, but they were as elegant and nice as boots as Tano and John Rob! !

4. Edward Green: It’s a rare top drawer Dover that looks like a standard line, but when I touch it it’s a great pair of leathers! !

5. Anthony Cleverly: The customer who came to try on was the rare navy-colored Anthony Churchill. There is a lot of black circulation, but navy is also cool! !

6. Marmolada: Black Croco Marmolada was very powerful and very cool. The owner was a fashionable customer who could not beat the shoes! !