HOLIC MAT™️(ホリックマット)

HOLIC MAT™️(ホリックマット)のご紹介です。





I think size is the biggest concern when buying shoes.

Even if there is a size notation, it is completely different depending on the country of manufacture, brand, model, wooden model, manufacturing age, and the numbers are only a guide.
Also, since high-quality shoes require a lot of manual work, there are large individual differences even with the same size (even shoes with different outsole lengths of 1 cm!), And in the case of second-hand goods, the size feel will change with use. .

It’s best if you can actually put in a foot, but I hope that even people living in a distant place can imagine the real thing as much as possible, I created HOLIC-MAT.

●HOLIC MAT™️(ホリックマット)とは

HOLIC MAT™️は販売中の商品のソールのアウトラインを取り、PDFデータにしてサーバー上にアップロードしましたので、パソコンやスマホにダウンロード頂き、プリントアウトをすると世界中どこにいても、実際の靴の大きさを確認する事が出来ます。



HOLIC MAT™️ took an outline of the sole of the product being sold, made it into PDF data and uploaded it on the server, so if you download it to your computer or smartphone and print it out, you can see the actual size of the shoe no matter where you are in the world. You can check.

It’s a great analog method 🙂 , but if you put your feet on the printed outline, you will be able to avoid shoes that apparently do not fit, or you can wear brands and last shoes you have never worn. If you download it, I think it will be a reference when you buy a new one at a regular store someday.

It may not be possible to get 100% certainty, but we hope that even 10% will solve the size problem.

●STEP 1. 商品のページを見つけます

HOLIC MATがUPされている商品は下記のページから、ご確認を頂けます。


HOLIC MAT 作成済みの商品ページ

各商品ページの最下部の「HOLIC MATのダウンロード」をクリックするとPDFデータをダウンロード出来ます。


You can check the products whose HOLIC MAT has been updated from the following page.

If the desired product is not listed, we will create it if you contact us.

HOLIC MAT Created product page

You can download PDF data by clicking “Download HOLIC MAT” at the bottom of each product page.

●STEP2. プリントアウト


倍率が100 %で無い場合、異なった大きさでプリントをされてしまうため、ご注意下さい。

The downloaded PDF data will be printed out at 100% magnification.

Please note that if the magnification is not 100%, different sizes will be printed.

●STEP3. チェック



Since the total length and maximum width of the outsole are written on each product page, check that there is no error with the printed outline.

Please note that some errors may occur due to the measurement method.



Imagine the size and the size of the edge.