●ブランド :ラルフローレン エドワードグリーン 製 トップドロワー ?
●モデル :サイドエラ
●サイズ :UK7.5D US8.0D #89
●実寸 :全長 29.2.cm 最大幅 10.3cm
●カラー :ブラック
●素材 :カーフ
●商品ページ :https://shoesaholic-jp.com/?pid=150978235
●コメント :
私はラルフローレンで仕事をしていた事があるのですが、エドワードグリーン 製のラルフローレンの靴は素晴らしい靴が多くて、非常にオススメです。
ラルフ・グリーンはトップドロワーみたいな仕様の靴とスタンダードみたいな仕様の靴があり、こちらの靴のヒールの部分をご覧頂くとわかるかと思うのですが、ヒールの釘打ちがトップドロワー と同じになっており、革も確証はないのですがフロイデンベルグの様にキメが細かく、鈍い光り方をしています。
でも、その代わりに今では50万円位になってしまっているエドワードグリーン のトップドロワー と近いクオリティの商品を1/10位の金額で履く事が出来るので、サイズが合う方には超オススメしたい一足です。
また、レイジーマンに多いフルブローグのデザインではなく、パンチドキャップトゥ のため、よりキチンとして見え、これからの季節のかしこまった時用にも便利だと思います。
HOLIC MATの詳しい使用法はこちらのページをご確認下さい。
● Brand: Ralph Lauren Edward Green top drawer?
● Model: Side gills
● Size: UK7.5D US8.0D # 89
● Actual size: Total length 29.2.cm Maximum width 10.3cm
● Color: Black
● Material: Calf
● Product page: https://shoesaholic-jp.com/?pid=150978235
● Rarity: ☆☆☆☆☆
● Recommended condition: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
● Comment:
I would like to introduce a pair of customers who came to the store yesterday and said, “If you were half big, you bought it even if you threatened it :).”
I used to work in Ralph Lauren’s Omotesando, but I recommend the Edward Green Ralph Lauren shoes because they have many wonderful shoes.
Ralph Green has shoes with specifications like a top drawer and shoes with specifications like a standard, and as you can see by looking at the heel part of this shoe, the nailing of the heel is the same as the top drawer. Although the leather is not confirmed, it has a fine texture like Freudenberg and has a dull glow.
I don’t know the exact age, but maybe it was a product of the Ginza store before the Omotesando store.
Ralph’s bespoke model adopts 89 last for Ralph, which is similar to 808, the sole is slightly thin, the design of the standard green model is a little messed up, the lining is purple according to the purple label Or it is a very cool specification.
Nevertheless, the distribution price is very low because it is not well known (crying).
PEAL & CO Brooks Brothers bespoke made by the same factory even with the same green, and Crockett made with a brown cord van with the same current Ralph is more well known, so the market price is high, and despite such wonderful shoes, the rating is high. It’s a pity that it isn’t done …
However, instead, you can wear a product with a quality close to the top drawer of Edward Green, which is now around 500,000 yen, at a price of 1 / 10th, so I would highly recommend it to those who fit the size. It’s a pair.
Also, instead of the full brogue design that is often found in Lazy Man, it’s a punched cap toe, so it looks more chitinous, and I think it’s also useful for hard times in the coming season.
If you try to raise the drawbacks, the lining is purple so the stains are a little more noticeable, and since the sole is thin, you may be able to wear it longer if you stick half rubber etc.
Comparable to Anthony’s Churchill and Gaziano’s Churchill! !