●ブランド :JMウエストン
●モデル :ゴルフ
●サイズ :5.5 E
●実寸 :全長 28.1 cm 最大幅 10.0 cm
●カラー :ブラウン
●素材 :カーフ (ロシアン)
●商品ページ :https://shoesaholic-jp.com/?pid=150536213
●コメント :
実は、その方がPOPEYEの創刊やrelaxなどの編集長もつとめた 椎根和さんで、ウチのお客様世代が読んでた雑誌を丁度作られていたと思うのですが、「JMウエストンが日本に上陸した時に、初めて日本の雑誌に記事を書いたらお店に呼ばれて、お礼にローファーをもらったんだ。」と教えて頂きました。
ボックスの方が少しツヤっとしている感じはしますが、JMウエストンのため、どちらのカーフもクオリティが高く、しいてゆうなら「ロシアンカーフ 」の方が名前が格好良いかなと思います(笑)
HOLIC MATの詳しい使用法はこちらのページをご確認下さい。
● Brand: JM Weston
● Model: Golf
● Size: 5.5 E
● Actual size: Total length 28.1 cm, maximum width 10.0 cm
● Color: Brown
● Material: Calf (Russian)
● Product page: https://shoesaholic-jp.com/?pid=150536213
● Rarity: ☆☆☆☆
● Recommended condition: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
● Comment:
A few years ago, I went to a wedding ceremony for a staff member of my company, and her uncle, who was a staff member, asked me, “Are you a shoemaker’s child?”
Actually, I think that Mr. Yamato Shiine, who also served as the editor-in-chief of POPEYE’s first issue and relax, was just making the magazine that our customer generation read, “ JM Weston landed in Japan. When I did, I wrote an article in a Japanese magazine for the first time, and I was called to the store to thank me for the loafers. ”
Mr. Shiine seems to like the loafers very much and still loves them, but Weston has fewer models than other brands, but there are many shoes that can be used for a long time, I heard that story. I also started to use 180 loafers (laughs)
After that, I thought that I would like to meet Mr. Shiine once again, and after the wedding I brought Sawaan and rice cracker to the atelier to play, but the story of the Popeye editorial department in the 70’s was interesting. , I went to see Bob Marley, went to see the Beatles, went in and out of Mr. Yukio Mishima’s house, and I thought that I wanted to be born in this era with all the pleasant stories (laugh).
Perhaps you read POPEYE in your 50s? I think there are many people, but Shiine’s book is recommended for stay home.
I think that the staff of a brand regular store are also familiar with the history of the brand, but those who have known shoe brands for decades still deal with the situation when the brand came in, which shop Also, I can tell you what kind of store manager was there, which magazine was pushing, etc., so I will do more and more interviews and tell the customer.
This golf is one of the representative models of JM Weston, and I think that many people love the tan color especially because it seems to be golf.
Recently, we often talk about Weston calves with our customers, but this is Rossiankaf, but I personally think that both “Russian” and “Box” are wonderful.
The box feels a little glossier, but because of JM Weston, both calves have high quality, and if you’re lucky, I think the name “Roshian Kuff” is cooler (lol) )
It’s a tan color that’s just right to wear in the coming season, and because it has a low usability, please consider it! !!